Learn and experience in our OKR Masterclass, our 1-day seminar workshop, how to create really good OKRs with a system, how to deal with OKR in terms of projects and day-to-day operations .
With group exercises for internalization and immediate application in your company.
Further training formats: OKR seminar for users & decision-makers (1 day), OKR coach/master seminar with certification (3 days), OKR seminar for managers (2 days) and OKR seminar for SAFe professionals (1 day).
We conduct the seminar as in-house training
in face-to-face form on your premises or in a seminar room near you – as well as remotely via live video or hybrid
in German as well as in English – also individualized.
Request now
Via live video or in person
Creating optimal OKR sets is not that easy – even if it seems simple at first glance. Creating optimal objectives is relatively easy – but creating optimal key results requires a lot of practice and, above all, the right tools.
We have developed a method for systematically creating good OKRs. The method can be learned by anyone who knows the basics of OKR. The seminar places particular emphasis on the practical practice of creating objectives and key results.
With the help of reference companies and concrete situations, you will formulate OKR sets together in small groups, which we will reflect on and further optimize in the large group.
If you do not yet know the basics of OKR, then visit our OKR video course before the OKR Masterclass.
The best part, the bonus session: Three months after the seminar workshop, all participants meet for a review to discuss the OKR sets, the experience gained and the results and thus gain experience for the next quarter.
The seminar is aimed at anyone who …
Our seminar leaders are …
You benefit from this as a seminar participant.
The seminar – a real hands-on workshop – focuses on practical exercises. The proportion of theory is kept as low as possible. The aim is to quickly and easily understand the optimal creation of OKR sets – to intensively practice the creation of OKR sets using reference companies and thus to internalize the philosophy behind OKR. The seminar participants present their OKR sets – the seminar leader gives feedback and answers comprehension questions. Pure learning!
Seminar participants receive detailed seminar documents and practical templates.
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
If you wish, you can obtain the coveted, recognized and official “OKR Coach / Master Advanced” certificate – more information here.
Our certificates have no expiration date.
The seminar leaders are the authors of various books from renowned publishers.
On the one hand, the seminar leaders are the authors of the compact guidebook and bestseller“30 Minuten OKR – Objectives & Key Results”, published by GABAL Verlag.
The seminar leaders are also the authors of the comprehensive book“Mehr Fokus, Motivation und Erfolg mit OKR: Grundlagen und Best Practices“, published by Wiley-VCH Verlag.
A prerequisite for participation in OKR Day is knowledge of the basics of OKR – if you do not know them yet, visit our OKR video course or read our OKR book before OKR Day. Alternatively, you can attend our 3-day OKR seminar.
Otherwise, no special knowledge is required. OKR is a framework that can be used in any industry and in companies of any size.
Of course, the seminar is about learning the method for creating optimal OKRs. It is equally important for us to internalize the philosophy behind OKR. And this can only be achieved by experiencing the method and applying it in practice. This is precisely the concept and aim of our OKR Masterclass.
In-house, German or English
Duration: 1 day, 9:30 to 17:30
Location: On site, live video or hybrid
Niemand erklärt OKR so verständlich wie die OKR Experten.
Ich habe selten so viel von einer Ausbildung wie dieser profitiert. Die Beispiele sind klar und präzise, aber vor allem aus der Praxis.
Wir sind mit den OKR Experten sehr happy, die uns als Scale-up in unserer herausfordernden Wachstumsphase enorm geholfen haben, OKR und weitere Tools für unsere Skalierung auf einen Next Level zu bringen! Super Fit auf persönlicher Ebene, super Workshop-Methoden und viel Praxiserfahrung mit pragmatischer statt dogmatischer Umsetzung.
In unseren OKR Inhouse-Trainings haben die OKR-Experten die OKR-Methode nicht nur fachkundig und kompetent vermittelt, sondern auch anhand vieler prägnanter Industrie-Beispiele lebendig präsentiert. Ihre dynamischen Ansätze, unter anderem mit zahlreichen Gruppenübungen, machten das Thema mit viel Spaß und Begeisterung greifbar, erlebbar und spürbar.
In unseren OKR Inhouse-Trainings haben die OKR-Experten die OKR-Methode nicht nur fachkundig und kompetent vermittelt, sondern auch anhand vieler prägnanter Industrie-Beispiele lebendig präsentiert. Ihre dynamischen Ansätze, unter anderem mit zahlreichen Gruppenübungen, machten das Thema mit viel Spaß und Begeisterung greifbar, erlebbar und spürbar.
OKR ist ein wertvolles Instrument um intrinsische Zielerreichung als Team über Hierarchiestufen hinweg zu fördern. Das OKR Seminar hat für mich den Grundstein geschaffen die Methode bei meinem Arbeitgeber besser und wirkungsvoller etablieren zu können.
Neben der Theorie, die sehr gut vermittelt wurde, gab es viele Übungen, bei denen man selbst bestimmen konnte, zu welchen Ausgangssituationen man diese durchführte. So waren sie sehr praxisbezogen und damit nachhaltig.
Für mich war es besonders wichtig, dass ich viele anwendungsbezogene Übungen für den gesamten OKR Zyklus, aber auch praktische Erfahrungen über die strategische Implementierung im Unternehmen aus dem Seminar mitnehmen konnte. Der Trainer hat meine Erwartungen voll erfüllt, vor allem in der Anpassung auf den Kenntnisstand der Gruppe.
Bei den Trainings der OKR-Experten können Teilnehmende OKR schnell und einfach lernen.
Viel praktisches Wissen, viele Übungsmöglichkeiten, guter Überblick über OKR.
Bei den Trainings der OKR-Experten können Teilnehmende OKR schnell und einfach lernen.
Es hat sehr viel Spaß bereitet, die Übungen waren alle toll und sehr praxisnahe. Es hat alles reibungslos funktioniert und man konnte viele Inhalte mitnehmen!
Our seminar leaders have led a large number of OKR implementation projects themselves, led/accompanied numerous OKR meetings – and have years of experience in change management, agile team transformation, introduction of mission statements and much more. – and as an entrepreneur, start-up founder and C-level executive.
Participation is required in our seminars – not only when learning the method, but also in a variety of group work. If you just want to sit back and consume, then visit our OKR video course.
You will receive detailed seminar documents and practical templates.
Our seminar leaders have a didactic background and work as external university lecturers in adult further education.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have after the seminar – also for coaching and advice.
Become a certified OKR Process Owner and join our network of OKR experts.
Give us a call – or arrange a free consultation. We will be happy to help you!
Visionary, thought leader and recognized expert in the fields of digitalization, strategy, digital transformation and innovation.
Silicon Valley expert, multiple C-level executive, e.g. at ProSiebenSat.1, multiple startup founder, management consultant, international keynote speaker, author and university lecturer. He is the founder, managing director and managing partner of DigitalWinners.
We look forward to your visit to the OKR seminar and hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the world of OKR.
Not every trainer is really an expert. Our trainers are not “traditional” trainers, but real experts with practical experience who were – and in some cases still are – entrepreneurs, C-level executives or startup founders. As a seminar participant, you will benefit from this extensive practical experience.