OKR > OKR Workshops > OKR introductory workshop – OKR Quick Start Workshop

The OKR introductory workshop

OKR Quick Start Workshop

Learning and experiencing the OKR method

We support you with our OKR Quick Start Workshop for the introduction of Objectives and Key Results in your company.

OKR can be introduced at any time – even during the year. The introduction can start at management level, in a department or in a pilot team – and then be successively rolled out to the entire company. In the case of a group, the introduction can initially take place in the parent company or in one or more of the subsidiaries – and then be successively rolled out to the entire group.

Via live video or in person

Our motto: “You can’t learn the OKR philosophy – you have to experience it”

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) – is a target management and strategy implementation method – in fact an entire philosophy.

In our OKR Quick Start Workshop you will learn the basics of the OKR method through practical application and at the same time experience the OKR philosophy. Because there is much more to OKR than just a method and a process.

The workshop is the ideal start for the introduction of OKR in companies – with the management team or a pilot team.

OKR Quick Start Workshop

OKR Quick Start Workshop

Participants learn and experience the following:

  • Development of strategic measures and initiatives (optional)
  • Prioritization of strategic measures
  • Creation of an “agile” annual roadmap or annual plan
  • Derivation of focus topics for the upcoming OKR cycle
  • Brief introduction to the OKR method
  • Immediate application: Development of top-level OKR sets: Objectives and associated key results
  • Best practices for the next steps

OKR Quick Start Workshop

Prerequisites: none

Format: face-to-face or video workshop or hybrid

Languages: German, English

Duration: 1/2 or 1 day

Dates and price: on request

OKR Quick Start Workshop

We are the OKR experts and turn you into OKR experts.

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To the workshop overview

The OKR introductory workshop – OKR Quick Start Workshop

72% of first OKR attempts fail – according to a study by an OKR tool provider. But where does this come from?

Even if OKR looks simple at first glance, the devil is in the detail. Companies sometimes try to introduce the system on their own, which we generally welcome if they have experts with practical experience in their own ranks – but unfortunately it is not enough to simply read an OKR book. Anyone who reads a book about playing the piano is not immediately an accomplished pianist. To make matters worse, some of the standard OKR literature, such as that by John Doerr (Measure What Matters: OKRs: The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth), does not describe the OKR method perfectly, if not confusingly – according to feedback from many of our customers.

It also takes more than just attending an OKR seminar. Anyone who takes driving lessons is not immediately an experienced driver. While it is true that many seminar trainers are good at passing on learning content didactically, they are not usually experts with practical experience. Practical experience is becoming increasingly important, as every company is set up differently in terms of organizational form, management style and corporate culture and there is therefore no blueprint that can simply be imposed on the company. Ask whether your OKR expert was once an entrepreneur or manager, led teams or “transformed” organizations and teams – not from the role of a consultant or trainer, but from the role of an entrepreneur or manager.

Sometimes the problem with the introduction is also the desire to preserve what already exists. Fear of the new and unknown often plays a greater role than the desire for change (resistance to change). Leaving the comfort zone is often perceived as unpleasant and exhausting. However, this requires completely new learning concepts.

And this is exactly where we come in with our “Learn and Experience” concept. In our workshops, participants learn the basics of the methodology through practical application – and at the same time experience the philosophy behind it. Because behind every method there is much more than just a procedure model or a process.

The workshop is the ideal start for the introduction of OKR in companies – with the management team or a pilot group. We are happy to adapt the format to your needs, support you in its implementation if you wish, certify your employees as OKR Coaches, Masters or OKR Process Owners, support your employees with our OKR online courses, with books or e-books, with posters and much more.

You can look forward to an exciting hands-on workshop.