As authors of two OKR books, numerous e-books and OKR posters, we have created graphics, infographics and illustrations, which we make available as high-resolution PDFs for free download.
Please note our copyright – please contact us if you wish to use the graphics for publication. A great deal of know-how and practical experience that we have gained from our numerous OKR implementation projects has been incorporated into the material. We also have experience in advising companies on change management, agile team transformation and the development of corporate mission statements.
Creating optimal OKR sets is not that easy – even if it seems simple at first glance. Even in the standard literature or the websites of other OKR experts, examples of OKR sets are usually not quite optimal or inconsistent, if not confusing. This shows that even some experts find it difficult to create optimal OKR sets. But how do you create optimal OKR sets?
Of course, an objective is an inspiring, qualitative and ambitious goal that describes what needs to be achieved. And a key result is a quantitative key result that describes how we achieve our goal – clearly stating whether the goal has been achieved.
Both objectives and key results describe the “outcome”, the benefit or value contribution and not the “output” or tasks. More on this in the article OKR Method.
But what is the best way to start? With the objective or with the key results – or with the tasks, assignments or projects? The easiest way is to create the tasks. It becomes more difficult with the key results – because these should not be tasks. We share our best practices with you – so that you can easily create optimal OKR sets. Find out more in our OKR book