OKR Open Space Day

We cordially invite you to our OKR Open Space Day, an event based on the Open Space format on the topic of OKR – Objectives and Key Results. This is the perfect opportunity to share your own challenges, ideas and solutions in an open and interactive format. Under the motto “Your space, your topics, joint solutions!” we want to take OKR to the next level together. Share your experiences, ask questions and develop innovative approaches to OKR together with us. The results of the day are collected and can serve as a basis for future OKR cycles in your company.

We look forward to an inspiring exchange with you!

OKR Open Space

Participation free of charge – by invitation only: all persons explicitly invited by the OKR experts or the respective cooperation partner are welcome.

ON NOVEMBER 13, 2023 –


Claudia Korn

Claudia Korn
Head of Business Transformation and
Process Owner for the OKR process at badenova

About the cooperation partner badenova:

With over 1500 employees, a turnover of over one billion euros and a most recent annual profit of 53 million euros (2021), badenova is a powerful medium-sized and above all municipal company based in Freiburg. The company’s promise and goal is: “For a future worth living, the environmental and energy service provider badenova is shaping the energy and heating transition for and with the region.”

badenova is wholly owned by the local authorities. Between the Upper Rhine and the northern Black Forest, 96 towns and municipalities are shareholders of badenova, including Sinzheim.
In addition to the supply of natural gas, electricity, water and heat, badenova offers innovative and ecological services relating to energy and environmental protection. These include renewable generation plants with citizen participation, e-mobility, energy, heating and mobility concepts for municipalities and industry, heat contracting, CHP solutions for private households, commercial customers and industrial companies, local heating networks, smart home products, water and wastewater management for municipalities and much more.


badenova AG&Co. KG, Tullastrasse 61, 79108 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Please report to reception.


10:00 – 16:00 – with lunch together in the Badenova canteen

The appointment only takes place in presence.

Note: The current valid federal and state infection protection and occupational health and safety regulations on protective and hygiene measures at the time of the event apply. If the requirements at the time of the event do not allow for a work-related event, the event will take place via video conference (Microsoft Teams). Please bear this in mind when booking your hotel, train, flight, etc.

OKR OPEN SPACE: Your space, your topics, joint solutions!

Register now for free

Register now for free

Participation free of charge – by invitation only: all persons explicitly invited by the OKR experts or the respective cooperation partner are welcome.


Erno Marius Obogeanu-Hempel,
Founder and Managing Director, OKR Experts

Gerald Draht,
Senior Consultant, OKR Experts

OKR Trainings & Courses

We, the OKR experts, are happy to train you with our modern training formats:

  • Seminars in presence & remote
  • Open training courses & in-house seminars
  • Workshops & video courses
Inform now